I was so blessed today but the show I watched on Life Today (via the
internet). It was Beth Moore talking about her book
Voice of the Faithful a daily devotional written by missionaries around the world.
As she and James Robinson talked I was hit again by how precious you all are to me. How your part in my life is vital. How your prayers and support are a big part of why we can stay here.
Beth said " They're just ordinary people, just courageous" ( of course, I don't think of myself as courageous, but I know my man, Scott, is!!! He amazes me the way he tackles each project. and along that note please pray for him. As my trip is getting planned and my family is coming together to see if there is enough money to fly all of us five back to the states, Scott is hurting because why is there enough to spend on tickets but not for our support we need to stay in Brazil and provide for the things he needs to do his job - i.e. laptop, etc...)
James also said " That the missionaries wouldn't have been enabled without the enablers". That is what you are as you pray for us. How important prayer is!!! How important it is that you keep connected with us, and share with us your lives. It keeps us here. Yes, giving is important, but first and
foremost is prayer.
James Robinson also said missionaries are "effective because someone else not only prayed but they connected with them" Yes, again that connection is vital for us missionaries. How much your love and support gives us the strength to go on. Thank you!!!!!
Beth continued "They count on a relationship with us as much as we count on one with them. They've got to know that we are there!"
This is so true. What is amazing to me is that you can send money and that is great. But what fills up our hearts without a doubt is when you write and when you pray. These are the things that give us the strength to continue.
So along that note. I just want to say thanks!!! Thanks for your friendship and your caring. It truly does touch our hearts. Please keep us in your prayers. Especially as Scott starts a new ministry here with the students - our future missionaries. For our trip home this Christmas, wisdom of who should go and how we should best spend our time. Yes, for our financial needs they are great, but more for Scott, that he would feel the support of our pastors and churches, friends and co-workers. Remember whether you go or whether you stay, we are all missionaries, and each one of us has a calling on your life, they are different callings but they all have the same goal, just like here on the foreign mission field we all have different jobs but we are all here for the same purpose to reach the lost for Christ!!!
Thanks again for all you do!!!