Sunday, June 29, 2008

Too hard?

Genesis 18 : 14 Says, "Is anything too hard for the LORD?" Are you praying for anything today, and like me saying "it is too hard!!" Well, that verse sure hit home today. I know in my head nothing is too hard for God, but I think I am afraid that I still hear my parents voices in my head saying that I don't need it, or feeling that God doesn't want me to have it.
Sometimes God gives us desires, and sometimes we just want things, and yet, through it all we are to trust God for them, and see what He will do in our lives. So here I am waiting...
Will the LORD answer? Will He provide? I do know nothing is too hard for him, so I will keep praying. Trusting that the desire in my heart he is fully aware of, and I do know that if He wants it to happen, it will.
Verse three of the same chapter Abraham asks the LORD, "Do not pass me by". I know I can trust in this, no matter what happens, I am blessed, and He will not pass me by.

Trust him today for whatever is on your heart. He is faithful to answer, sometimes it is Yes, sometimes No, and sometimes we are still waiting, but He hears and is faithful. Each day, I learn to trust a little more. And even more, I learn to just rest. He is in control, (ps 115:3 - My God is in heaven and He does whatever He pleases) and I know He loves me.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Thank you. I needed this today! Love you!!!